This week has definitely been one of those 'blah' weeks. I haven't watched t.v. for a week and a half, which is a record for me. It's been broken.. who knows why. I asked my dad to fix it, but then decided against it since the SATs are this week...
I miss watching.... The Hills, The City, Cake Boss, The Real Housewives, Real World/Road Rules Challenge.... hahaha I'm such a geek.
I've actually been reading A LOT. The Kite Runner was a great novel. My Spanish teacher let me borrow "A Thousand Spendid Suns." It horrified me. He uses such vivid details, and it seriously gave me nightmares.
I've also been studying a lot. I'm not really used to studying, so i've been having a hard time. I haven't had much homework this week, which is a big surprise. Maybe God told them not to give as much homework because he knows how much I've been studying? hehe..
Other than studying and school, a lot more has been happening. I've realized that I create walls towards people. I don't know why.. Each day, my Spanish teacher has a quote on her board. Today it said, "Loneliness is caused because people form walls instead of bridges." What a perfect quote.
Friendship is such an important thing. It shapes you to become who you are, and it teaches you how to form relationships. I don't think i've been a good friend lately, but I'm definitely trying to improve. And a very special sorry to someone.. if you're reading this.'
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
Dec 3, 2009
Posted by Diana at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Nov 29, 2009
The Kite Runner
1. Topics in the Kite Runner:
-Role of Women: The role of women seemed very small compared to men.The main character, Amir's mother dies while giving birth to him, and then Hassan's mother is not very active in his life. From my own research, I found out that women have a very limited role in daily life in Afghanistan. In the book, this idea may have been implied by the small roles they had.
-Betrayal: To me, betrayal was shown during the scene in the dark alley, when Hassan was attacked by Assef and his 'gang'. This topic was also expressed when Amir hid the money and watch in Hassan's home and blamed him for stealing those items. I think the book implies that no matter how close two people may be, betrayal can happen, and it can ruin a strong relationship.
-Brothers: Though Amir and Hassan did not know they were half brothers, they shared many memories together and cared for one another. Hassan truly treated Amir as his brother, and Hassan was there for Amir when he needed his company. In the novel, even though Amir and Hassan felt they couldn't be together physically, emotionally, they still felt a special bond. They didn't go a day without thinking about each other and in the end, they were linked by blood. In the end, Amir felt like it was his duty to take care of Hassan's son, because they were brothers.
-Guilt-hidden guilt vs. open guilt: Throughout a majority of the novel, Amir is filled with guilt because of the incident with Assef and Hassan. He didn't tell anyone what happened that day, and hid his guilt, because he was so ashamed of what he did not do. Towards the end of the story, Rahim Khan tell Amir that he knows what happened that day. Rahim Khan tells Amir that he can still be good again, and Amir strives for that goal. In the end, Amir feels 'free' from guilt, and it shows that having open guilt rather than hidden guilt frees him of that guilt he held in the first place.
-Redemption: The guilt that he carried for so long has taken a toll on Amir. He tries to redeem himself by proving that he is good once again for his own sake and to make his father proud.
-Exodus: Exodus was expressed when Amir and his father escaped Afghanistan during the war. They went to America to start a fresh new start. Amir wanted to forget about the past, while his father was saddened to leave his home country behind.
-Fathers & Sons- patriarchal society: Patriarchal society is very common in Afghanistan, which is why the main focus in the beginning of the story is based around the relationship between Amir and his father. Amir is constantly trying his hardest to please his father, and his father is a little disappointed because his son does not carry the same traits as himself.
-Class Distinction: this topic was expressed throughout the entire novel. Amir was often teased by peers because he played with a Hazara. In the Afghan society, it's unheard of to be around people of different beliefs and tradtitions. Hassan and his father, Hazaras, were workers for Pashtuns, Amir and his father.
2. Style-
The author uses parallelism particularly when he speaks of Amir and Baba. I think this is to show the similarities and also the differences between the two. In Afghanistan, father and son relationships are strong, and in the novel, the parallelism the author uses emphasizes that relationship.
-Character Foils: Amir and Hassan were a pair of character foils. While Hassan readily stood by Amir, Amir himself did not do the same for Hassan. Another pair may be Baba and Rahim Khan. Baba was troubled by many events in his past, and sometimes took that regret and took it out on Amir, while Rahim Khan was more calm and understanding.
-Foreshadowing: The first time foreshadowing is shown is when the author tells us the first words spoken by Amir and Hassan. Looking back, it kind of seems as if Hassan was a loyal friend to Amir, while Amir wanted to gain the approval of Baba.
-Flashback: Amir has flashbacks of the day that Hassan and Ali left his house. It fills Amir with guilt, and it shows that Amir really did care for Hassan. He also has a flashback of the day he won the tournament of flying kites, in which Hassan was a part of. Another flashback that he had was the day Hassan was attacked. Because of these flashbacks, he is reminded of Hassan and the impact he had on his life.
-Positives and negative aspects of the writing:
Positive: It was amazing how vivid the details of each scene was. I truly felt as if I were there with him. It takes an amazing writer to capture the atmosphere of settings that took place long ago.
Negative: Some scenes seemed to drag on. For example, the scene with Sohrab and how long the adoption process was took a lot of time, when I knew that Sohrab was going to eventually end up with Amir in America.
3. Settings:-1933: The year Baba was born, and the year Zahir Shah began his forty-year reign of Afghanistan.
Place: Afghanistan
-March 1981: when Baba and Amir were traveling away from home in the time of war.
Place: Afghanistan, Kabul, Pakistan
1980s: The time period Baba and Amir first moved to America.
Place: Fremont, California
-Summer of 1983: The year Amir graduated from high school (he is 20 yrs old).
-June 2001: Amir recieves a phone call from Rhaim Khan, telling him to come to Pakistan.
4. Minor Characters:
-Rahim Khan: Rahim Khan is a close friend of Amir's father, Baba. He was active throughout Amir's childhood and was played the role of the father figure that Amir never had. He showed Amir love and provided him with the father that he never had during his childhood.
-Assef: Assef was the leader of the 'pact' that harassed Hassan. Assef remained in Amir's mind, and by beating Amir during the battle between the two, Assef 'freed' Amir of the guilt that he felt for so many years.
-Ali: ali was Hassan's father and was the housekeeper for Baba and Amir. Though he was handicapped, Baba remained loyal to him. Ali showed Amir love and affection as he would his own son. Ali was a loyal friend to Baba and had much respect for him. Though he was Baba's servant, Baba saw Ali as his friend and companion.
-Soraya: soraya was Amir's wife. Though Amir felt as if he could not be loved because of they sin he committed, Soraya proved him wrong. Though Soraya was ashamed of her past, she was truthful to Amir, and she was forgiven. Eventually Amir did the same, and she was much loved by Amir because he was not familiar with a woman loving him and vice-versa.
-Sohrab: Sohrab was Hassan's son. Amir went through much suffering to bring him to America. During these hard times, Sohrab was a constant reminder of Hassan, and Amir was reminded of all that Hassan did for him through his son. Amir wanted to pay Hassan back, so he adopted Sohrab as his own. Through the physical and emotional traits that Sohrab inherited from his father, Amir will never forget Hassan.
5. Symbols:
-Kite: Flying kites was extremely popular in Afghanistan. Kite fighting was painful, and many people were left with scars. Even though there was much pain involved, the triumph of winning was far greater than the pain. The kite symbolizes endurance.
-Slingshot: Hassan was incredible at the slingshot. He used it to save Amir and in the end, Sohrab saved Amir with a slingshot, just like his father. The slingshot symbolizes loyalty and courage.
Baba's House: Baba's house was very large. He was a wealthy man, and many people help the upmost respect for him. This is where much of Amir and Hassan's childhood was spent. The house symbolizes security and protection.
Harelip: Hassan's harelip may have been just a birth defect, but it held a much greater meaning. Hassan was known for his harelip, and though Baba 'got it fixed', he was still remembered by it. When Amir was fighting with Assef, Amir's lip split just like Hassan's birth defect. This reminded Amir of all the times Hassan stood up for him, and was removed of his guilt. The harelip symbolized the guilt that was removed from him.
Sohrab: To me, Sohrab was a symbol of the 'good' that Amir wanted to achieve. Though he didn't help Hassan in a time of need when he was younger, he was now going to help Hassan now by taking care of his son.
Posted by Diana at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Thanksgiving Break
I've really needed a break from school to really start on my college apps and to study for my upcoming SATs. I'm really starting to feel the pressure of college. My parents have such high expectations of me, but I'm not sure if I can meet up to their standards. Hopefully, all of my hard work will pay off this Saturday.
I read the Kite Runner during the break, and I finished it about a day. I couldn't put the book down! I have to say, this is the first book that has made me cry. It was so real, and I felt as if I was actually there with the characters.
I summarized the whole book and told the story to my mom. Then, she started to cry too! haha..
My Thanksgiving was pretty good. The food was incredible, but I think i gained about 10 lbs...
I watched New Moon... again! and I seriously will never get tired of staring at Taylor Lautner (I'm still Team Edward though!). hehe
Hopefully this week will be great...and I hope everyone else has had a wonderful, relaxing break!
Posted by Diana at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Nov 1, 2009
Korean Culture vs. American Culture
Jane is from a very traditional Korean family. Though Jane and her brother were born in the United States, both of her parents were born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. Her parents made the decision to move to the United States after they got engaged. Though Jane was born in Georgia, she continuously felt like she was living a double-life. Her family members expected her to live a traditional Korean life, while living in America often pilled her away from their views.
When Jane was a toddler and too young to attend pre-school, she stayed at home with her grandparents when her parents went to work. Grandma only spoke in the Korean language and disciplined Jane the way any child in Korea would be raised. A couple of years later, Jane entered pre-school. Little did she know that this was the beginning to her double-life. Jane was only four years old when she first went to school, so she did not fully understand what was going on. She didn’t notice the differences between her and these children. As years passed, she entered into elementary school and loved to interact with the other children. She had wonderful friends and was always on top in her class.
When Jane turned 11, she entered into sixth grade. Though she wasn’t old enough to comprehend everything, she was old enough to see the outer differences from herself and her peers. As time went by, she slowly began to realize that she was different from her peers. She had different morals, her parents weren’t continuously involved with her teachers at school, and the most distinct difference was her facial features. She often heard rude remarks about her race, and many kids teased her because she was different. Being the only Asian in her whole school was difficult, and though she seemed like it didn’t bother her on the outside, deep inside it crushed her. For years this continued, and as Jane grew older, she wondered why she was different; she questioned why her parents chose to move to America.
Now, a high school senior, Jane has noticed the distinct differences in the Korean and American cultures. The main difference that she sees is the family life at home and how she was raised. Her parents were very conservative and taught Jane to be extremely respectful. Growing up, she had limited time on the computer, and was rarely allowed to watch the television. She was only allowed to sleep over her friend’s house on very rare occasions and on the weekends, she was expected to help her parents with work. She noticed that many of her American friends’ parents were more laid-back. Often times, Jane wished that her parents could be more lenient and be more like these American parents. Her outer appearance was also different in her parents’ eyes. At school, her friends often complemented her on her curvy figure. In the American culture, it was normal to have a figure.
i'm not quite done yet. i have the whole paper.. just major corrections i need to make.
Posted by Diana at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Oct 7, 2009
Second Essay
Many people have said that the example essay has been the hardest essay to write. I personally think that this was an easy essay compared to the description essay. The example essay was a little more personalized, and it was easy to write because it was coming from my own experiences. I feel more comfortable writing in first person and you don't have to do much research to write an example essay (unless you use other sources, of course).
The comments I recieved were extremely helpful. I love that we can help each other and encourage one another through blogs. I tried to comment on blogs that didn't have many comments, but it seemed like many people did not have comments at all! If that were me, I would be extremely fustrated as well.
I'm not sure how I feel about my paper. Re-reading it, I feel like it could have been a lot better. I guess i'll find out how I really did after i receive my grade. Hopefully it will be better than the last essay I wrote.
I'm pretty nervous about our next essay. Supposedly, it's supposed to be one of the harder ones. I'll definitely need to start on it early and not procrastinate.
Well, I guess that's all for now~ hope everyones doing great!
Posted by Diana at 5:01 AM 0 comments
Oct 4, 2009
This past week has been fairly good.
I feel as if the week goes by fast, but senior year itself has not been going by as fast as people say. Once graduation rolls around, I may look back and say, "wow! senior year went by fast!" But as of right now, it's going by s.....l......o.....w.....l....y.
This weekend i didn't do anything productive. Friday night, a group of friends and I went to Longhorn for a friend's birthday. We waited an hour and a half for food! how crazy is that.. I was extremely unhappy!
Today is Thanksgiving in Korea. We had some amazing food ... haha
After church, we played soccer.. I pretty much sucked. But, it was really fun.
Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
Posted by Diana at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Sep 30, 2009
People One Comes to Admire Dont Always First Seem Likeable.
The first day of school can be a nerve racking experience. Not only are we worried about how we look or what everyone else may be wearing, but we also may be nervous about meeting our new teachers for the first time. High school may be the best years of your life, or it could be the worst. But through thick and thin, we learn to experience new adventures and learn from them.
My sophomore year of high school was great! My teachers were incredible advisors, the upperclassmen gave me great advice, and I had an amazing group of friends. The year flashed before my eyes and now, I was officially a junior. I couldn’t believe how fast my high school career was going by. The summer quickly went by, and soon I was starting school once again. Because I was now entering my third year of high school, I wasn’t very nervous, unlike the younger class. I knew the majority of the student body and the faculty and staff. As I stepped into the hustle and bustle of the narrow hallways, I knew I was right at home. My first couple of classes were exciting. I got to hear about everyone’s relaxing summer, and it was just great to see some of the people I haven’t seen in months! My day zoomed by, and I finally made it to my last class of the day. I was a little puzzled because I have never seen this teacher on campus before. Mrs. Goldmire was a middle-aged woman with very beautiful strawberry-blonde hair that sat on her narrow shoulders. Her makeup was caked perfectly onto her oval-shaped face. She had stunning blue eyes, but she had a very cold stare. She smiled often, but it was not a genuine smile. While going over her classroom rules, I knew that I would hate this class. She was a very serious person who would not tolerate any nonsense.
As the weeks went by, we started getting into the rhythm of school once again. Mrs. Goldmire began teaching us a new language with a personality of its own: Trigonometry. With a good teacher, math is not very difficult. Mrs. Goldmire was the exact definition of a horrible teacher! When she taught a new chapter, she didn’t fully explain the concept, she rolled her eyes when we didn’t understand her, and she was incredibly rude when we asked questions. I grew frustrated, and each day I dreaded going to class. One day, I couldn’t take it any longer, so I refused to pay attention altogether.
As time went by, I decided that I couldn’t get into the college of my choice if I kept this up, so I started paying attention. I walked into class and gave her my undivided attention. That very day, she announced to the class that we’d be having a pop quiz. My heart was overwhelmed with agony. I was so caught off guard that I didn’t know how to react. She slowly walked down the aisles and handed us the dreaded quiz. For a long minute or two, I sat and stared at the piece of paper. Out of panic, my eyes slowly wandered to my neighbor’s paper. I drew the exact same sine and cosine graph as the person next to me. I hurried to the turn-in box and took my seat. As I sat down in my desk, I promised myself I’d truly work harder from then on.
After class, many of my peers were talking about the quiz we had just taken. I soon realized we all had different versions of the quiz! I panicked. All I could picture was my teacher’s expression when she graded my paper. She would know I cheated, and I’d always be seen as a cheater for the rest of the school year. I only had one option: to tell her the truth. In my gut, I just knew she would yell at me and give me a zero. I slowly walked to her classroom and knocked on the door. I walked inside and told her everything. She just looked at me with that menacing stare. I knew this was a bad idea! After I quit talking, there was a moment of silence. She was probably thinking of a way to fail me.
After a moment, she said, “Diana, it’s okay.”
Wait a minute, what did she just say? That was definitely a big shock! She continued, “No one is perfect and I’m really proud to see that you had the courage to come up and tell me the truth. You can come Monday and re-take it. This will just be between you and me okay?”
And then, she smiled. She actually smiled! In that very moment, I realized something. No matter how someone may seem on the outside, everyone has a warm heart on the inside. That day, Mrs. Goldmire showed be her soft side. To this day, I truly admire her as a teacher and mentor, and I am still extremely close to her.
Throughout my years in high school, I learned to mature and grow. One of the main lessons I have learned is to never judge a book by its cover. First impressions are definitely important, but that very impression can change over time. I’ve learned to become less judgmental, because it may alter your relationships with others.
Annah Bivins was the Barbie doll figure in my high school. If you googled “Barbie” on the web, her picture would be there! She won everything, whether it was pageants, class office, she always had an upperclassmen boyfriend, and she had the coolest group of friends. I personally didn’t know her, but we exchanged the occasional “hello”. She seemed so insincere. Everything she said was dramatized, and I could never tell if she was being genuine or not. As the years went by, we had some of the same classes, and we started hanging around the same group of people.
During the summer of junior year, a large group of friends decided to go to Annah’s summer beach house. We were all extremely excited. There were going to be no parents to tell us what to do, no curfew, and we could do whatever we wished. On the last night of out visit, everyone sat on the beach to watch the sunset.
After the sun had gone, people started to get up and walk towards the house. I decided to stay out a bit longer to get some peace and quiet. Sonya was the only other person on the beach. The weather was perfect. You could hear the crashing of the waves, and it was a cloudless night with every single shining star showing. The sand felt soft and warm against my skin; I was so relaxed. We didn’t have much to say to one another, so we just sat there.
After a while, her voice broke the silence. She said, “Diana, why don’t you like me?”
I was taken by surprise because I’ve never really told anyone how I really felt. I thought about acting clueless, but I decided against it. “Umm, I don’t know,” was all I could muster. I was never good with confrontation. “I guess it’s because I can never tell if you’re ever being sincere when you talk to me.”
Annah stayed quiet for a bit, but finally she said, “My older brother past away when I was twelve from leukemia. He was my best friend and like a guardian. My parents were never there for me, and I don’t have many close friends. I guess I wanted to seem perfect so that people didn’t know I was hurting. He was all I had…”
I was speechless. I thought Sonya was the definition of perfect. I never expected in a million years that she would have the same kind of problems as I did. She was just a normal teenager trying to fit in, and I’ve been judging her this whole time.
That night, we stayed on the beach until sunrise. We talked about anything and everything. That night changed our relationship, and Annah taught me to never judge someone until you truly know who they are. Today, Annah is my best friend and the first impression I had of her is completely erased from my memory.
Still working on conclusion...
I'm trying to perfect my concluion, because in an example essay, the conlcusion is the most important part. Soooo will update again in a little bit.
Posted by Diana at 3:07 PM 8 comments
Septemeber 30
It's been a hectic and tiring week..
I'm one of those people who stress about the smallest things. School is pretty much killing me, and the SATs are next Saturday. It's really bad timing.. because the night before the SATs is the homecoming game.. Truthfully, if I wasn't on homecoming court, I don't think I would go to the game. I'm really stressed out about getting a dress. I didn't go to the junior/senior prom last year, so I'm pretty clueless about getting a dress. I dont know where to go or what color I should get.. or hair/makeup. Am i supposed to get my nails done??
I went to Dillards at the new mall.. and all of their dresses were extremely short.. my mom says not to get a short dress because my legs aren't my finest point... lol
and about the SATs....
i took a SAT course during the summer and it was a 5 hr long class... it was pretty horrible.. I had to get there my 9am and we would work til 12 pm. Lunch was from 12pm-1pm, and then we'd have another session from 1pm-3pm.. it was like school!
We usually have the math portion on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the reading portion on Mondays and Wednesdays, but they couldn't find the right teacher for the reading portion. So, now it was Math every..single... day!
I dreaded going because I was so tired, and I just wanted to spend my summer relaxing! But in the end, it really brought my scores up, but I wish I would've continued to study.. but of course, I didn't. It really is hard to study for the SATs because you have to have so much time to take the test..
I really want to get into GT, but we'll see after this SAT.
College English 1101 is a little harder than I expected it to be. Being in a class with the top students, that write really well intimidates me. I wish I was a strong writer, but I definitely know that won't happen in a short matter of time. Hopefully by the end of the semester, I'll become a better writer.
Hope everyone else is having a wonderful week!
Posted by Diana at 5:07 AM 1 comments
Sep 11, 2009
This week has actually been going by pretty fast, but I'm sure it's only because we had Monday off. Btw, I hope everyones had a great weekend! I didn't really do much, besides a little 'get together' at Nicole's house. My parents went to South Carolina.. or was it North? haha I was all alone Monday. I really wanted to catch up on some school work, and study for the upcoming SATs but unfortunately, that didn't work out as planned. Like i said, i've seriously been slacking! ahhhhhhh SENIORITIS!!
My week has been good, but i've been kind of sick.. Is it SWINE??? haha nahh.. I'm pretty sure it's not. I feel pretty horrible, but if i can force myself to go to school, then i'm sure it's not a serious case of the flu. I tend to over-exaggerate because I never really get sick..
First period is pretty laid back, which i love! But, there is a lot of 'outside of class' work. We're writing our first paper, which has to be a descriptive essay. You know, i'm REALLY a hooooorrrrrriiiibbbblllleeee writer (i'm not over-exaggerating this time!). Procrastinating doesn't help my writing either.. so Diana's horrible skills of writing+procrastination= SUCKY PAPER.. which is gonna be a big fat 'F'.
I'm really nervous about posting my rough draft on here.. I know we're supposed to, but I don't want people to actaully read it... hahaha
I mean, I'm not saying that i'm afraid... it's just that i'm not really proud of what I wrote..AND, it doesnt really help that i'm in a class with A LOT of awsome writers.. SHEESH. haha
Oh! and senior re-takes are this Saturday.. and my senior pictures look HORRIBLE. BUT, guess what??? I can't make it..because i'm going to a wedding... how awesome is that. lol It's okay though.. it's JUST a picture right (that everyones gonna see and remember for the rest of their lives)? lol..
So, idk when the bells gonna ring.. but, i have Spanish hw to finish up so i guess this is all for now. Hope everyone has/had a spectacular day!!! TGIF (: (: (:
Posted by Diana at 5:10 AM 3 comments
Sep 3, 2009
The wonderful world of dating has never been new to anyone. Everywhere we go, there seems to be more and more lovey dovey couples, showing their affection for one another. I’m sure every teenage girl has asked her mother for relationship advice or maybe even asked what her love life was like long ago. I’m almost positive the way you’re your parents dated and the way you date today are totally different. There have been many changes in the way people date from past years; whether it’s the way we talk to one another, or how we may act towards one another.
Back in the nineteen nineties, men were always seen as the dominant figure. Even in movies that we watch, men were always at the head of the dinner table, they came up with the household rules, and they always asked the girl out on dates; always. Girls were viewed as the lady-like figure who were never disrespectful, and flirted by giggling and by twirling their hair on one finger. Going out on dates, men would always open up the car door and help her in. He’d take her out on a nice dinner date and pull out her chair. He might also take her somewhere incredibly romantic, such as viewing the millions of stars on that particular cloudless night. Have men become less chivalrous today?
In the twenty first century, much has changed. Though males may still seem like that dominant, chivalrous character, women have started play a much larger role. No longer do women sit around waiting for that special someone to call first. I believe technology has definitely played a large part in this sudden boldness from these women. For example, it is much easier to get rejected via text than through phone calls or in person. Not only has this new era of texting helped bring out courage from women, but it has also formed a new ay of communication. Texting has become such a huge fad! Everywhere you go, you see people texting of all ages. Parents texting their children, children texting their friends, employees texting their boss; the lost goes on! Nowadays, very few people communicate through the phone because it’s easier to confront others without having to hear the tone of their voice. As technology increases, the world of dating also changes.
Many teens have started using cyberspace to communicate to friends, but strangers too. This may be the cause of extremely young teens having a ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’. Back in the nineties, young teens being in a relationship were unheard of! Back then, parents were very protective and because society was not as technologically advanced, it was harder for young teens to speak with strangers. This may explain so much of the age gaps in relationships in the twenty first century. Many people today act like dating is some kind of race! They take everything so fast, which differs much from the twentieth century.
Change is a way of life. In every future, there are always going to be changes, and I honestly believe that dating may change once again in the next 10 years. Living in a very modern society today, as our technology increases, if effects everything in our life. The next time you’re answering questions about your dating life, it may be questions from your very own daughter seeking advice!
Posted by Diana at 6:55 PM 3 comments
Today went surprisingly well! I mean.. school wasn't INCREDIBLE or anything, but it was a pretty good day. I think that i'm in a rush to get high school over with, but only because graduation day seems so far away. Once the school year draws to a close, I definitely think i'm not gonna wanna leave (as weird as that may sound). I'm gonna miss the carefree ways of my young years (haha!). As I start to think about the future, I get scared and anxious. Once college is over, it's the REAL WORLD! aka.. bills, jobs, kids.. etc! WHOA. That's pretty scary.
I'm gonna miss hanging out with these jones county people.. I'm probably not going to see some of these people ever again.. and that's pretty scary, since i've known them all my life. However, i'm definitely ready for college! I'm so excited to meet new people (who aren't country HAHA), and sometimes, I feel like high school is so.. idk the exact word to describe high school. I think it's hard to be independent in high school because everyone is constantly judging you. There are TOO MANY cliques and too much immaturity. Some people enjoy contstant drama, and that's why i'm so excited to start in a new, fresh environment (not saying that my life is filled with drama, because trust me it's not! haha)
Sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) I tend to complain. Dont get me wrong! I mean, I really am grateful for everything I have, but I guess i'm just the type of person that doesn't know what the have until it's gone. Like when i cheered for competition cheer, I'd ALWAYS have some kind of injury! One week it might be my arm, and the next week it might by a jammed toe or finger, or my knee.. and, I was just so ungrateful for the health of my body when I was okay. I'd think to myself, "if only my knee was better! I could tumble better." blah blah.. so now, I'm definitely working on being grateful for the things that I have.. like my health, a great family, great friends, and an education (even though i always complain about how much i hate school).
I tend to go on about meaningless things.. but, it's fun! (; you know, blogging is actually really fun.. haha
Today... was a block day. I"m surprised to say, that I like it! When my friends from other schools would tell me they go by block scheduling, I would tell them how much i would hate it! I guess you can't judge a book by its cover huh?
So, I guess that's all for today.. hope everyone else has had an amazing day! God bless~~~
Posted by Diana at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Sep 2, 2009
First Post.
wow.. it's crazy how much we all rely on technology. I seriously do NOT know how people survived long ago... haha
So, this is my very first post. I'm kinda sorta excited to start blogging, and to start reading what my other classmates have to say. I've never really blogged.. ever.. unless you count xanga when that was a huge fad back in the day. I don't write much.. however, i do have quite a large stack of journals in my room. I started writing in journals since... elementary school. It was just a way to vent (well, not really in elementary school) and I could write down my feelings freely without having to worry about my secrets getting around. I wrote daily, but as I grew older, I no long started writing as often. I love that my college english teacher advised us to blog. I think that it'll help me in my writing, (i'm DEFINITELY NOT a strong writer. It just doesn't come natural to me.) and I'm so excited it does not have to be formal.
I'm definitely not the greatest writer in the world, and honestly, I haven't really worked to get better. I've never enjoyed writing formal essays, because i feel so forced. However, i LOVE writing... just to write; to vent, to talk about my day, or just to communicate with friends (probably why i am totally obsessed with facebook haha..)
But anyways, i'm definitely looking forward to my senior year! I'm pretty darn nervous about college apps.. and SATs in October. I feel like my parents are putting a lot of pressure on me.. I just want 1st semester to get over with already!! Well, I guess that's all for today~ hope everyone has had a wonderful day! (: (:
Posted by Diana at 4:17 PM 2 comments